
#The Expat September 2024 – Page 38
- 2024-09-03: Don’t Hold Your Pee
#HEALTH: Don’t hold your pee
WHETHER you’re rushing to complete a deadline or stuck in traffic, something or the other stops you from taking a bathroom break, despite the fact that you really need to. /

- 2021-08-19 Frequent Urination Treatable, not a Life Sentence
- 2021-08-13 theSun : Pee-ving problem on the rise

- 2021-08-12 Kerap Kencing? Mingkin anda alami OAB
- 2021-08-12 Frequent urination treatable, not a life sentence (,
- 2021-07-18 光明日報:冠病損害睾丸致不育? 科學家:報告為時過早

- 2020 Oct-Dec InfoMed : Entrepreneurship in Healthcare (page 38-39)
- 2020-09-10 星洲日報:机器人前列腺癌根治术 视野广切工细 降阳痿尿失禁併发症
- 2020 July-Sep InfoMed : Child Development – Getting to the Basics (page 34-35)
- 2020-06-29 罗华伦:有便血后腰疼痛症状尿酸高增肾结石几率
- 2020-06-01 Global Health and Travel: The Reproductive Implication of Coronavirus : How The Coronavirus Might Affect Fertility
- 2020-05-30 星洲日報:10萬次觀看預防尿酸結石 醫識力綫上講座反應佳
- 2020-05-05 東方日報:勝似人手 狹小空間靈活操作
- 2020-04-30 星洲日報(印尼 Harian Indonesia):前列腺增生并非癌症 激光或绿光手术 让男人无“血”无“泪”(第14頁)
- 2020-04-15 星洲日報:前列腺增生并非癌症 激光或绿光手术 让男人无“血”无“泪”
Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when the spine and spinal cord do not form properly, creating a type of neural tube defect.
Robotic Surgery was first introduced to the world in the year 2000 (and came to Malaysia three years later).
A Life-Changing Device
Sacra Neuromodulation (bladder pacemaker); the answer to bladder dysfunction
A Pandemic Predicament
The impact of Covid 19 on men’s sexual health
Kidney Cancer
A stealthy killer
Misleading Pain
Myth about painful urethral syndrome
Fertility and Covid-19
The reproductive implication of coronavirus
Getting to the root of persistent bladder issues
When Negative is Positive
Uncovering hidden sexually transmitted disease
Male Climacteric Syndrome
Finding the missing pieces in the puzzle
A Cry in the Dark
The hard truth about penile fractures
Get More Pleasure, Less Risk
Ejaculate more often for good health? True or False?
Would You Like an Upsize?
The dangers of non-medical penile augmentation
Sizing Up the Issue
Are My Testicles Normal?
How Urinary Tract Infection Affect Both Men and Women
How They Deal with It?
The Silent Struggle Overcoming Pelvic Organ Prolapse
A Lifelong Pain
Managing interstitial cystitis, also called a chronic painful
bladder syndrome that is poorly understood and causes
long-term pelvic pain and urination problem
Hardly A Laughing Matter
An all-inclusive view of erectile dysfunction, providing a solution for all men in need